This is an old interview with WATAIN that I made for my never released fanzine back in 2005/06..Kind of out to date (Definitely..hahah) but I guess its a perfect time to finally publish it rather than being freeze inside my antique drawer.And yup..I also got many never been publish interview that I will featured it in here soon..So stay tuned folks..Anyway..Lord Eric here with us...
1.A desecrating phrase should be written for this first column
E. Hail Satan !
2.Watain is considered new in the Swedish black metal arena.So how are the responds and support that you get from a famous black metal bands over there like Dark Funeral,Marduk,Dissection,In Aeternum etc?Do they support new Black metal bands over there?or something else?
E. We have been around for seven years now, recorded two full Lengths and done some European tours etc etc so we don't really consider ourselves a "new" band these days... In Aeternum and Dissection are close friends of ours, Marduk with their new line up is becoming interesting again but Dark Funeral has lost all their glory.
3.Watain music arrangement is great!!But the Swedish black metal melody is still there.The question is,Do all bands hailing from Sweden "must" have the same music pattern?Or is it just coincidence?Are you comfortable if Watain being labelled as a "Typical Swedish black metal" band?Or maybe you have your own explanations for this.?
E. We dont give a fuck about countries "styles" or such mundane bullshit, we perform our creations in honour of Satan, carrying the legacy of true Black Metal magic, regardless of how other bands from our country might do it.
4.How did the whole concept for Watain's come about?
E. Each stone and each nail in the structure of Watain has been forged and placed with determination and a constant yearning for the higher. For each day we grow into something more gruesome, stronger and dangerous, constantly feeding on the restless fanaticism channeled through our work… Watain is the spawn of the snakes inside us, both it's exhalation and it's nourishment. It is a destructive circle of orobourian kind; constantly breeding, constantly dying and constantly resurrected, maintaining the cycle with ONE wish as it's fuel; to channel and honour the powers of Satanas, to bring Black Metal into a new, even more dangerous and sinister era
5.Tell me about the musical progression between "Rabid death's curse" and "Casus Lucifer"
E. The composition-process of Rabid Death’s Curse was based more on impulse, wrath and flesh, it had a quite raw and chaotic feel to it. The foundation of Casus Luciferi lies more in spirit, mystery and demonic permeation, it holds more of an epic and magick nature. But in general they are both prime examples of true Black Metal madness, but without evolution, without escalating and enhance the Satanic potential of the music, there is no need to go on, which is why "Casus Luciferi" is today regarded more important than "Rabid.." for us..... ”Casus Luciferi” is indeed the greatest musical project we’ve ever been involved with and we are very satisfied with the final outcome after these three long years of receiving and composing… The response has been overwhelming as well, so it’s good to see that there still exist people out there whose hearts and souls yearn for majestic satanic metal. And there is indeed much for them in there to explore… The veins of this album are all filled with the cursed blood of revelation, the certitude and devotion towards the Master’s truth. There is so much hidden within the dimmed patterns of Casus Luciferi, so much to be found and lost if taking it to oneself with the right state of mind. It is an album that reaches far beyond musical realms, into the divine mysteries of the beyond. This we know, for we have been a part of creating it’s secrets pathways, although we are just working blindfolded in the dirt, following the call of our spirits.

6.The artwork of "Casus Luciferi" cd's are so symbolic,What are you trying to tell the listener through the art ?
E.Total disaster, the coming of Satan....
7.As like other big bands(Not all!)they will change their musical direction or become slower after they became famous or bigger.Do we will see the same situation with Watain five or ten years later?
E. We will always be devoted to true Black Metal...
8.In Flames,Dark Tranquility,Tiamat, Dismember,Soilwork and Centinex is a very huge name derived from Sweden?What do you think about them and by the way do you listen to their music ?
E.Tiamat and Dismember are great bands, the other is just christian life metal shit which has nothing to do with the scene we come from.
9.In your "Go fuck your Jewish God" demo,You have covered a Darkhrone's classic's Unholy Black Metal..Why this songs?
E.We thought it was a good and simple song... (Dah agak dah..ED)
10.Watain's play Black metal music,How would you define the black metal is?What do you comment about those who claimed themselves as a black metaller but seriously have faith with their religion?Do you think the person is must out from our "basic" religion if the person want to be labelled as a black metallers?
E. Black Metal is Satanism put into music. It cannot exist without true Satanic conviction and sincere devotion and practice.
11.Jon of Dissection once said he dislikes all black metal bands in Sweden except Dark Funeral(Correct me if im wrong!),Aren't you afraid of being killed for playing black metal over there?he..he..What are you comments about Jon and his statement anyway?
E. That must be a very old statement and it also sound very strange to me, i know him pretty well and i can never imagine him saying anything like that. Anyway, we and Dissection are strong allies and together with Nifelheim, Funeral Mist, Malign, Ofermod and a couple of other bands we consist what is now the true elite of the Swedish Black Metal scene, which burns everything else to ashes.... BEWARE!
12.In your 1st demo,It was entitled "Go fuck your Jewish god",well..its unusual because mostly extreme band over there(In west!)only talked about destroying Christians or Muslims.What manage you to put such a title in your demo?Do you really hate Jewish?why?Do it is easy to found a Jewish community in Sweden?Don't you afraid to be labelled as Nazi?
E.The usage of "jewish" in that title was basically just used as an insult in general. It has nothing to do with nazi-ideology, such political garbage is far below our religion! Everyone is equally worthless, and side by side they shall burn at the stakes when the time comes....
13.What do you think about Osmose production who warned Impiety because of anti jewish lyrics?Do you think its good for Impiety left Osmose?
E. Any metal label who can't handle things because they are to "extreme" is just a christian fucking hypocrites and should stop their business right away... There are still labels around who dare to support real Black/Death Metal lunacy... Hail Impiety!
14.What about Watain's lyrics?Its so poetic,can you tell us what is exactly you want to tell the listener?
E. The ink with which they are written is the black blood of a pillaged heart, a serving soul and an illuminated spirit. It is truely the closest i can come to put to words the fathomless mysteries which have been unveiled to me through hours, days and years of Satanic enlightenment. If people do not read them it’s their loss, not mine. And in any case, their inmost meaning floats into and through the music as well… There’s no escape.
15.How's it like to work with Drakkar production?Have they been doing good in promotion-wise and etc?What do you think about Drakkar Production?
E. Drakkar is a good label for an underground band. Our two-album deal we signed with them went out with Casus Luciferi so now we are going to look for another contract...
16.How did you first got the album deal with Drakkar production? By the way,How are the selling for both "Rabid death's curse" and "Casus Luciferi" cd's worldwide so far?
E. They heard us cos they got our 7" through tape trading and offered us a deal... The selling has been very good for both albums.
17.Do you know a Singaporean's As Sahar have using the same "Casus Luciferi" title in their 1st demo?Do you know As Sahar?
E.Yes i know about As Sahar and that their demo is called "Casus Luciferi". It's a good band and as far as i can remember but who gives a fuck if they have the same title on their demo?
18.Never think of touring Malaysia or South East Asia?
E. It would be fucking great to reach these "hidden" lands one day, we shall see what the future brings! We have many great supporters from there and sooner or later we hope to be able to appear on a stage there, maybe together with our brothers in Impiety, the undisputed war gods of the south-east!
19.Describe about Watain's stage desecration
E. The gigs are to us rituals were the inmost power of our creations is channeled and primal energies gets unleashed and reborn within both us and the spectators. It is the true power of Black/Death metal revealed. We always take use of blood, fire, huge crosses, animal-heads etc… the traditional way… the only way! To us the gigs aren’t for us to show off at or to prove our musical skills, that is something that comes by itself. We simply get possessed. When the magickal connection happens between performer and receiver, we turn the entire venue into a giant Black Mass of chaos! The response does a lot, obviously, we don’t care to play for scared kids standing along the walls in their judas iscariot shirts. Everyone in the venue should be a part of the sacrificial feast….
20.Thanks for your time Eric..All the best with The Mighty Watain !
E. The Same goes to you !HAIL SATAN !