Friday, 25 December 2015


     Orphanage Land,Melechesh & Salem is among the name that is always pop out in my head every time when thinking of Israeli Metal band.Well here's another name that probably could fit with those aforementioned bands as an ambassador of the Israeli Metal band ARALLU ! A Black/Thrash oriented  devil's !This is also one of my never been publish interview that I made with the front man of the band Butchered back in 2005.

1.Hails Butchered!What's the latest news from ARALLU?

-hail from ARALLU!? well weve signed with the Czech label "epidemie records" were really exited about that and were very happy we got a good deal.were gonna release our cd soon and its gonna be awesome fun.

2.Could you tell us about ARALLU from the beginning this band was formed?Any line up changes since then?

-1997,ARALLU,a one man project that became a 3 men army.Two demos I recorded by my own,"the war on the wailing wall" and " satanic war in Jerusalem" at that time I had a drummer "necromancy",but he never played live or in a recording. I got a good deal from "the end records" and they released my first full length "the war on the wailing wall" I got a good support from Nir Nakav and Ze'ev Tenenboim from the band "SALEM" after that I released another demo,for only the craziest fans " at war against god" witch was released for only 66 copies on the Israeli organization 
"ACUM". After that. I got a deal from "Raven Music" and lots of help again from the guys from "SALEM"  and I released my second album "satanic war in Jerusalem " by that time, Ze'ev was my producer,  Nir was my drummer and I played bass, guitars and vocals. But for shows I always had Avi on guitar and Ben on drums After that,I got a new drummer, Yonatan. And avi kept on playing. We did some shows togheter and got other guitarists Alex Shuster and now T.K.O.R.With this line up, witch is up for the last 3 years. We released a DVD "Visual chaos invation" and a new demo "Marching for war" and now, " the demon from the ancient world".

3.What is the main reason for you to created ARALLU ?
-back then,there was nothing here.there wasn’t any shows,nobody really came to play here. Like a 
swam,nothing. I had to do something about it. I had to create  and to give my real definition of everything.

4.You have released a new cd called "The demon from the ancient world" under Epidamie records.Please tell us in detail about this full length?I mena the musical direction,the studio recording,lyrics and etc

- we've been working on this album for the past 2 years. It’s a very tough album, very dirty and were so glad it gonna get released. We recorded the drums in the center of Israel. And everything else in my own studio. Im glad we did it cause it gave us our own time and schedule and it very important for every band.

5.The artwork in the "The demon from the ancient world" really attract my attention!It shows a big hand squashing the Baitulmaqdis mosque.mosque curios,What exactly do you tend to deliver in the artwork?Who's the artist?Don't you afraid it might start a controversial issue?hehe

-about controversial issues, common, we got some much of that crap. We don’t care man. In the artwork you see "mountain house" exploses and all the demons break out. If you might know, "mountain house" is actually the heart of Jerusalem. The center of all 3 religious and all the blood that this place saw


6. I've listen to some of you previous music.Personally i think it was great! Eventhough its fast and violence but still have some(or much!) Arabic folk melodies include in it.How did you get an idea to created such a brilliant songs?

-first of all,thanks a lot. I always love to hear such comments.i always loved Arabic music,most of the band likes this kind of music.but its not to extreme,its not to violent, im so glad I did something that I love and made it so extreme. That’s the way it should be.

7.What about your 2nd full length "Satanik war in Jerusalem"? How many copies has been sold to the maniac inside and outside Israel?How's the responds you got from the listener?By the way,What label actually responsible to release it?

- satanic war made it pretty nice in Europe and especially in Germany and south america. I'm not sure about the exact sales but I know their pretty good. We released it through Raven Music witch is the only metal record label in Israel. We got lots of lots of comments. This album hearted so many people in the Scandinavian scene. Because of what I wrote inside the cd. They were all shocked and mad about it. And actually I don’t care cause everything I wrote was for really. But this cd got awesome reviews all over the world. I'm very happy about its results

8.What's the exact stories behind the "Satanic war in Jerusalem" title?

-Well,if you read the entire cd's lyrics,you find out how much aggressive it is. Its very offensive and violent. Death to all religious, and all the wars between them and how everything will be after the wars and the effect of  that on all human race.See,that’s something we believe in. that’s our ideologies. 
And we think we should say everything we can.

9.If im not mistaken you're also using the same title(satanic war in Jerusalem)in your 2nd demo.Why did you re-used the same title in your 2nd full length?

We always thought those names were the best names for our albums, So we used the first two demos names,for the first two albums.

11.Lets talk about ARALLU 1st full length "At war >against God".I've noticed that you've changed the label in 2003 to ACUM recs from THE END recs.Why is >that?Is it because of unsatisfactory with the job promotion handling by THE END RECS ?

"the end records" released our first cd "the war on the wailing wall" Acum is an Israeli corporation for all Israeli and Jewish musicians,who released their music. It stands for their rights and take care of copyrights. We signed with acum after the first release and on the second release,"at war against god" we released it through ACUM for only 66 copies. For the real crazy ace fans.


12.What makes your to release the "Marching for War" self release cd?Any speciality about this cd ?
This cd is the demo for "the demon from the ancient world" its not self released or anything,its not released. Its only for record labels and for us to shop for a good deal.

13.What is ARALLU main influences?Are you comfortable if i labelled ARALLU as a black metal band?Or maybe you have another word to describe ARALLU hyms?

umm…were not a black metal band,there's lots of thrash in our music, also death elements. Most of the music is Arabic barbaric black metal. You cant say ARALLU is a black metal band.were not marduk or any dark funerals band. ARALLU ITS NOT PLAYBOY ,ITS REALLY BIZARRE AND VERY TOUGH PORN!!!. Our influces are: Mayhem, Celtic frost,slayer morbid angel, deiceide, the 
ramones,venom,bathory. Lots of Arabic music. Farid el atrash,um culthum,ibrahim tatlises.

14.To be honest,im actually unfamiliar with the metal scene in Israel although your country comes with a great act like ORPHANED LAND,MELECESH and SALEM.Can you tell us a bit about Israel's metal scene?How often gigs was organized in there?

first of all,we have awesome bands a great scene in Jerusalem and in tel aviv.Great bands such as: Salem, Bartholomius night, shwortzechaye,Azazel,Lehavoth,abed,moonskin. I think the metal scene in Israel is wuite good. Theres lots of shows all around,mostly good people. And good bands. Some outside acts. Of course we have those maniacs here who try's to ruin for everyone. But those people pays. Most of them already did.

15.ARALLU is a Anti religion band.What makes you bro?As we all know ARALLU hailling from a strong Jewish country.So how's the respond you got concerning your image by a Jewish community in there?Ever hot threaten by a religious organizations in Israel(No matter what religion)?

As a band,we got lots of comments. Our video is not being played anymore in a Israeli music channel because of Hasidic organizations. We do not get any radio time.Even the Israeli metal scene are afraid. Some of them are religious and hate ARALLU. I don’t care about one does. And as people. We got shot at a couple of times. We so lots of blood from bombings  and  lots of terror.

 17.What about ARALLU gigs,Which one is the best stages desecration done by ARALLU?Do you ever think to touring Europe,Asia or South America?

wed love to tour anywhere. We really wanna get out and  play all over. But its hard when your leaving in such a place as crowded is Israel. Our best shows was the victory show. My brother was kidnapped by Colombian guerrilla army for 3 months, and I went there and did everything I could to get him out. Finally I did. And he sang with as at that show. It was the best show. Lots of blood all over,bones and skulls,great sound,great timing. Everything went awesome. Besides that. We played lots of awesome shows. The Jerusalem shows are usually great. Cause it always dark and mystic. But its always fun and we always do everything for it to be exiting.
                 "out of topics" question,What do you think of the fight between the Palestinian and the Israeli today?Do you think its will stop or it will continuance?

It will never stop. And I promise you.  Its real stupid I think.  And everybody are doing only mistakes and everybody follow their stupid religueos and doing fanatic acts and its all build on pure hate and both sides are quite it cannot stop. Until someone will give up. We already did  gave up.if theres one thinkg that makes me sick,is when people try to hide behind politics. I wish that times will go by fast. But somehow they make it last. I think the war wont stop until the human race will be punished and understand that religious are the source of all the wars.

20. Ok bro,We've reach at the end of the interview,Thanx for spending a time with us.Wish all the best with ARALLU!

Thanks a lot bro take care say hallo to everybody in Malaysia and keep on rockin'!!
" if your not in it,your out of it" Hail from arallu to all metal maniacs in Malaysia Its great to see that theirs metal in  Islamic countries.This interview was made by Butchered  and Yonatan The war Machine.



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